Personal Statement

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As a Junior in New York University, I have declared my major in biochemistry since my first semester in college. My passion of studying both biology and chemistry started when I was little, in the past five years being able to learn biology and chemistry in high school and college, I have built myself a strong foundation in living organisms as well as the interesting relationship between these two subjects. As there is a high demand for detailed explanations of living processes and life science nowadays, I enjoy to pursue this major for a better understanding of organisms and molecular biology, exploring a field which is updated frequently. Viewing specific biochemical processes in both micro and macro perspectives, biochemistry requires …show more content…

Specifically, the biochemical techniques, the metabolism of living organisms and the knowledge in biological macromolecules can be widely applied in the medical field. The knowledge in biochemistry motivates me to study the cause of certain disease and the regulatory effect from the medicine. Therefore, I would love to continue my study and research in the medical school. The training session in the CURE program will help me to get better prepared for my future study and my career goal as a biomedical specialist. It would no doubt to provide a great opportunity for me to have hands-on research experience. As I am currently studying biochemistry in college, I am able to engage the knowledge with actual research, making connections and enhancing my undergraduate studies. When I am involved in the research, I am excited to build up my laboratory experience through the …show more content…

I worked closely with pediatric respiratory diseases in the molecular biology laboratory. Being trained as a lab technician, I have developed laboratory skills in various experiments, such as western blot, cell culture, mice dissection and gel imaging. More specifically, my primary goal was to study asthma and lung cancer with my mentor, Dr. Qian Linxi, who is a specialist in lung diseases. After learning the detailed structure of the lung and possible causes of lung diseases, I worked with my mentor to investigate the drug effect on inflamed airway and tumor cells. During the research, I designed the experiment with my mentor and made observations on mice with drugs. It was the first time for me to get involved in an actual research; and the methodology in research inspired me. Although I have learned the basic procedure of completing a scientific research, the actual experience is not merely proposing a hypothesis and starting an experiment. It requires a meticulous attention to details as well as the patience when performing numbers of

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