
Personal Statement

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A significant influence on my aspiration to study Business Management at university has come not only from working and helping out my parents in the family store business, but also studying Business studies at A-level, which I have particularly enjoyed. As a consequence, I am inspired to study this course, to broaden my business knowledge further and gain new skills, which are all essential in being a successful businessman in a very competitive industry. During a work placement at Grainger Plc, I gained a keen insight into managing a company, which was a lot larger in size than the family business I am accustomed to. I had the opportunity to work with employees in different functional areas of the business. Working with the Asset Management …show more content…

At the end of the work placement, I was given the task of presenting a short, formal presentation in front of my work colleagues on what I had learnt and gained from the placement, but also suggestions on how the work experience could be improved. At the age of 16, this challenging task not only helped me to improve my presentation and communication skills, essential when delivering to business professionals, but also provided me an invaluable insight into what it is like to be in a work environment in the business sector.
Studying Business at A-level has enabled me to weigh up arguments, opinions and solutions, as well as dissecting information and thoughts into their strengths and weaknesses, which has resulted in the development of both my analytical and critical thinking. Being able to read and discuss current business topics, such as the impact of the UK withdrawing from the EU or
Apple's tax avoidance scheme, in lessons, and in my spare time, has given me a closer understanding of how organisations operate, but also how external factors and changes have

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