Personal Statement

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I am an A Level student applying for courses in Culinary Arts Management. I have always had a passion within the field of cookery and take great pride in seeing the reactions from the people who eat my creations. Their feedback has always been positive and I found this to be encouraging and motivating to want to do more. My passion within this subject drives me to be the best I can. I am currently studying Food Technology, BTEC Science and BTEC Health and Social Care and AS Philosophy and Ethics. These subjects have provided me with many transferrable skills which I can expect to use in my culinary course. Food technology has allowed me to adapt my skills within cooking itself. As part of my coursework I had to produce a specification catering for a target market. Through this I managed the nutritional value of the product as well as carrying out quantitative and qualitative analysis and research. I achieved my level 2 hygiene and safety certificate in late 2013. I also looked at and helped to develop specialist diets for individuals who have …show more content…

I am now able to understand food at a molecular level and with that knowledge I have found a new appreciation for the ways that I can manipulate my ingredients. I also looked at the effects of nutrition on the body and this reinforced the importance of ensuring that all the morsels that I make contain suitable nutrients. My BTEC Health and Social Care course has widened my knowledge on laws and legislations relating to professional cookery such as the Food Safety Act 1990 and has made me consider the importance of food hygiene in organisations such as care homes and hospitals. People always complain about “hospital food”, especially the desserts and I hope to someday make a contribution in the culinary field which could impact positively on the flavour of this type of food while preserving the nutritional value of

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