I first became interested in pharmacy when I was a freshman in college at Southern Adventist University. I visited a booth at a career fair the school was having and valued what pharmacy consisted of. I have to be honest with you, pharmacy was not my only choice for a future career path. I was also looking into dental, which I ultimately decided to pursue. Most of my family was in the field of Dentistry, so it made sense at the time to go for that. I thought I had every aspect of my future planned out and ready to go. This is how I felt as a freshman in college, to which I was in for a huge surprise. Fast forward to my last semester of college where everything was going fine until a series of very misfortunate events happened to me that threw …show more content…
Setting these goals gives me a purpose and helps me strive for what I want in life. Some of my first goals were to complete both Biology and Chemistry to see if I had what it took to achieve a science degree or even be in graduate school level work. After completing both of these classes, I knew I had what it took and decided to pursue a Bachelors of Arts in Biology with a minor in Chemistry. From here I plan to apply to Loma Linda University School of Pharmacy and obtain my PharmD degree. The reasons why pharmacy interests me are its importance, multitude of career paths, and the work environment it provides. I know pharmacists aren't the ones out doing surgery or helping someone recover from an injury, but they play a pivotal role in curing diseases and the overall prevention of them. This is where the multiple different career paths come into play. The sky is the limit, whether it be a clinical job, community pharmacist, research, or even government. These are just a few of the great career paths within pharmacy, but what makes pharmacy great is the work environment. Like I've said above I want to be able to help people whenever I get the chance and create a lasting relationship with them, not only through health care but in their lives. That's one of my top goals for the profession that I have chosen to pursue. Looking at myself in the next ten or twenty years I can see myself being able to lower costs, increase quality of life for patients, and help improve medical conditions overall. That is my long term goal, and I know God will help me get