Personal Statement: Pursuing A Career As An Alternative Artist

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I like the idea of artistic freedom. I like the idea that I call all the shots concerning how I pursue my career, how I produce my music, and how I market myself. I do not want to be told how I am going to produce my music, nor do I want to be told what merchandise I will be selling or where I will be selling it. For these reasons, I am going to pursue my artistic career as a DIY, do it yourself, artist. I plan to stay true to who I am as an artist and pursue a career as an alternative artist. Taking steps to create a tribe and connect with them regularly will be vital to my success. Initially funding will be hard to come by. In order to record my initial demo, I plan to use my own money, and ask friends and family for funding just to get my …show more content…

I will then take my demo CD to various local venues in the hopes to book a show where I would sing covers of other artist’s songs within my targeted genre, along with my own songs. I would do this with the hopes that people who enjoy the other artists will enjoy my music as well and continue to follow me, and join my tribe. I will also put my music on Youtube, and all of my other social media pages, so I can continue to create a local tribe. Once I have established a tribe, I would begin crowdfunding, otherwise known as fanfunding. I would use the website Kickstarter and put links to the site on all forms of social media. With the money I gain from Kickstarter, I would continue to produce new music, and take that to other cities, again booking venues and gaining popularity. At this point, I would not be able to do it all on my own, so I would hire a few people to help keep up with social media and help with booking venues. At this point, I would also continue to put my music on social media and Youtube, and eventually try to get my music on streaming websites like Pandora,

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