Personal Statement: Pursuing A Career In Special Education

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Teaching has always been an interest of mine ever since I was a little girl. I would always play school and pretend that I was a teacher. I've always enjoyed helping people learn and helping them reach their goals. I have already had some experience with teaching while I was in highschool and these experiences helped me find my love for teaching which is why I thought teaching would be the best career path for me. To begin, I would like to teach students anywhere from kindergarten to fourth grade. During this time students are so impressionable and I want to be an inspiration and a role model to my students. I want to guide my students while also helping them to grow and preparing them for the real world. I hope to challenge my students and push them to be the best they can be while also having fun in school. I have had a few teachers throughout the years who really understood me, helped me through all of my challenges, pushed me in the right direction, and helped me realize that I want to be a teacher. Having a supportive and engaged teacher is amazing for a student to have and I want to be …show more content…

This program allows you to receive an inclusive education degree which includes every aspect of teaching that I am interested in. Whether I decide to teach first grade, special education, etc. this program will prepare me for any of these options. Plus, I just recently completed my freshman year of college and I have had some amazing professors who really helped me realize that teaching is what I want to do. The program that RCSJ provides is structured so I can obtain the most information possible. These courses also help me grow as a student but also as an aspiring teacher. I feel like this school and program was the right fit for me and that I can go really far in this program. It will help me to become the best teacher I can be for my future students one