
Personal Statement: Pursuing My Educational Goals

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In terms of my current educational goals, I first and foremost want to continue strengthening my critical thinking skills. Recently, I have felt challenged by this goal, but I know with continued persistence, this could be one to of the most important tools I gain from college. Also, I am committed to developing my soft skills and my aptitude for teamwork. Recently, I have been pushing myself outside of my comfort zone and reflecting on how I interact with others. I know that ultimately I am better off with the help of others than alone and I working to develop the skills to help me do this.

During my career, I want to be an advocate for corporate social responsibility, be a part of new and innovative start-ups, start my own business one day, and also use my knowledge to give back to others. I do not know what order I will achieve these goals, but I want work towards all of them. I strongly believe in the need for social corporate responsibility, I want to advocate and change companies from the inside to reflect this belief. I also want to be a part of a start-up and start my own business someday about something I am truly passionate about. Entrepreneurship is something that I have always seen myself pursuing. Finally, I want to use my degree and …show more content…

Diversity includes surface-level differences, but also deeper and less visible differences. Not only does diversity create more effective and productive teams but inclusion becomes increasingly more important as our society becomes more diverse. Personally, I also believe that being inclusive and open to diversity is part of being a decent and kind human being. To be otherwise, is damaging to everyone around you. This is why I always challenge myself to be more culturally aware in my education. I also am majoring in political science which helps me to understand different perspectives form

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