Personal Statement: Response To The Icebreaker Answers

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In response to the icebreaker questions, I actually think I prefer to answer the academic questions instead. Honestly, I am pondering what possible explanations I could give for several of the questions of choice. A rather grim and queasy looking emoji could easily sum up my disposition at the moment. I have been going over randomized answers for the past few days since I seen this discussion post on Saturday. Had it been some intellectual inquiry of writing knowledge or some insight of the upcoming topics my interest would of been piqued. However, I can imagine some of my fellow students reading my very dated, one, and only vacation that passed seventeen summers ago, I can almost cringe at the thought of posting any details of it at all. Then a glimmer of hope was lit, whenever I read the second question asking about pets. I thought to myself, “oh, thank goodness, this is something I actually have”. Even though, I am not entirely happy with that current situation either. Both of my “pets” are …show more content…

I read the length of the question, and again thought “I have a dream job, don’t I?” somehow my dream job is not all that fascinating compared to the illustrative, completely selfless, runner up Miss America careers that I read about. Feeling undermined, and slightly selfish, I just simply want to finish my degree, and then further my education in the Physician Assistant program. Once I am finished, I would like to get a job in the hospital where I work. I definitely would not meet my word count with that one either, much less impress anyone. Next question is what is my favorite tv show? Wait, who gets to watch tv? The last favorite tv show I had was I Love Lucy. I realize it was in black and white, but in my defense, the jokes were timeless. I am also a sucker for the crazy, sweet, unpredictable romantic comedy that it depicted in the story line as well. I am realizing that I probably summarize a little too well for my own benefit at this

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