Personal Statement: Why I Want To Be A Better Staff Member

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I'm very well known in the community and like to think that I have a good rep, I've played for about for 2-3 maps now and it's been getting better and better and I want to be able to contribute to that and keep it growing. I realize that I won't be able to play while on the staff team and I fully accept that. I am able to change my attitude from being a player to a staff member and keep a professional mature level at all times. I've had past experience doing this on some servers and enjoy being staff. During staff I felt pretty good helping people, and could deal with situations pretty professionally, I am not even close too toxic and usually tend to do whatever I am told and to learn whatever I need to learn to become a better staff member than what I am now so that I am always improving which will in term help the staff team and server. …show more content…

Lastly, I believe a staff member should act a certain way to not only make it so admins or higher won't worry about their actions, but also to make the server look better. Like I stated, I have "experience" of being staff, but just saying that wouldn't mean anything so I will go in debt about some stuff I have experience with: I am good with adapting from a player to a staff, you might think that is easy, but as a staff, you can't play, nor can you say or do stuff a regular player could. I have seen people become staff and get bored and leave. I will guarantee that won't

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