Persuasive Essay About Human Trafficking

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Human trafficking is a scourge that has plighted society since the early days of civilization. In our modern world, the amount of people unaffected by the abuse of traffickers, whether direct or indirect, is near zero. There are numerous problems following our current state of affairs, including Public health issues, massive child labor issues, and millions of missing persons. There are, however, those seeking improvements to our current system, pushing judicial revision, new law enforcement initiatives, and better education for those in danger of being trafficked.
People are moved around the world through shipping containers, planes, boats, and cars. There are numerous ways to move around, and for those who wish to abuse those in worse economic …show more content…

Not only are they alone in an environment where they are powerless, but they are also subject to unspeakable inhumanities. Sex workers contract STIs, UTIs, and pelvic inflammatory disease at markedly high rates and become hosts of widespread public health events. Those who frequent these areas often leave contracting illnesses that they pass on to future partners, and the cycle continues. Away from the sex industry, the labor industry has profound problems in itself. With malnourished children and adults, there remains a breeding ground for diseases that have long since been done away with in first-world countries. All of this without taking into account the dangerous work that these modern-day slaves may experience when taking a survey of tracking survivors in Southeast Asia, they found “Nearly half (48%) reported physical or sexual abuse and 22% sustained severe injuries” (Zimmerman and Kiss Human trafficking and exploitation: A global health concern).
The numbers represented in this essay detract from the actual amount of possible victims that may be out there. It is estimated that there are approximately 21 million trafficking victims in the world. Out of that number, only 50,000 people have been found and taken out of their situation (Thrupkaew Human trafficking is all around you. this is how it works). Of course, those that have been able to secure themselves away from their captors are in a much better position, but what about those that haven’t been found? Our governmental agencies are working tirelessly to find people stripped of their