Persuasive Essay About Nuclear Energy

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While Nuclear Power is heralded as the future of the world by some, others believe this technology will be the destruction of it. The debate between nuclear energy generation has been raging since the technology was first discovered. Critics believe that nuclear energy is dangerous and unsustainable, unlike solar or wind power; however, I am here to prove that nuclear energy is clean, safe, and has a bright future, and this is why it should be the future of clean energy around the world. With the world’s demand for energy growing larger and larger we as a united people need to find a way to satisfy these needs without killing our planet. Although many believe that nuclear power is extremely dangerous, it is much safer than other alternative energy sources. According to a study, approximately 1.8 million air polluted deaths have been prevented by the use of nuclear energy over fossil fuels (Scrope 1). This staggering fact really puts into perspective how deadly the pollutants from coal and natural gas in the air and ground water are, which can be prevented with the expansion of clean nuclear energy. …show more content…

They still argue about nuclear waste created after the production of power by nuclear reactors and how it should be dealt with (Nuclear Power). This has been a valid argument in the past, but as technology has progressed, scientists have developed a way to greatly decrease the waste that must be stored in special facilities (Childress). This is done by reprocessing spent fuel into plutonium and more uranium, which can be used again in a special type of reactor cutting the amount of waste by 97%. On the contrary, the remaining 3% must be stored for thousands of years while it decays. While nuclear power production may not be perfect, it has come leaps and bounds in a short period of time and will only continue to

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