The Importance Of Safety In School

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A child should never have to fear for their own safety at school. A safe place for kids to learn what they what to be when they grow up should never succumb to any harm. The past two weeks have been filled with so much tragedy and devastation across the nation because there has been a threat on adolescents. Growing up, school was never meant to seem like a dangerous place. Similarly, I looked forward to my English classes and reading books in Elementary school and later on in High School analyzing sonnets in my British Literature class. Children and teens, including myself, should never be apprehensive of coming to school. This definitely isn’t fair and I frankly don’t care if life isn’t, school shootings should never happen again. #NotAnotherLife is the hashtag I would choose to spark a flame in discussions across the nation so this terrible event never happens again. …show more content…

It all started when my friend texted and asked if I had noticed that Bob hadn’t been to school all week. Generally speaking, it struck me as odd and I asked one of my teachers where he was. My teacher told me he wasn’t allowed to disclose any information, but that I should pray for him. After school that day, I looked on his social media to see if he had posted anything and I uncovered something that changed everything. Bob had a troubling message on his bio on social media that couldn 't be ignored. This was the week after the Parkland shooting and it was fresh on my mind. All in all, I knew I couldn’t keep this information to myself even if this as a friend of mine. Given the information, I had to report it and that’s what I did. Later, I found out that my friend wasn’t at school that week because he had been suspended for writing a school threat on the bathroom wall. There’s no telling what would have happened, but if I wouldn’t have had the courage to tell, many of my fellow student’s lives could have been