Persuasive Essay Against Abortion

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Women should have the right to make the decisions about what they are going to do with their bodies. Abortion is a such a cruel thing but you never know the situation a woman could be in or what they are going through. It’s a personal choice. Women shouldn’t be restricted by the government. Not to mention, Everyone has their own reasons for having an abortion. There can be various different situation that may lead people decide to end a pregnancy. Abortion is a such a cruel thing but you never know the situation a woman is in or what they are going through. For instance, rape. Just imagine if you're a woman who is impregnated by your own rapist. What would you do ? Would you carry your rapist child? Not only rape is main factor for abortions also …show more content…

If an adult can’t support themselves, how can they support other being? But what about incest? The dangerment of the baby to the cause of incest like prognathism, misshapen skulls, lack of fingernails, microcephaly, dwarfism, Albinism, and much more. That list may go on and on about the birth detects that be caused by incest. It is a personal choice. How hard would be for most women out there that cannot afford to bring a child out to the world for example money and stability. For example, pre-teen or teen pregnancy. Teens are dependents to their parents so they don’t really have the money or the stability to take provide for a child on their own. What about drug addicts that get pregnant? They can’t support a child at all because of the use of the drugs would get in the way of their daily duties as a mother. Not to mention,Women knows what best for their body not a male figure. Male can’t really understand a woman's body unless he’s a doctor. Not only but also who likes to be told what to do? No one really like to be controlled. There’s one thing is having authority and there’s also controlling. And this situation women are trying to be controlled by

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