Persuasive Essay Against Animal Shelter

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Would you ever adopt a pet from a shelter you knew killed their animals? Many people say no but little do they know most of the shelters in their area are actually kill shelters. 8 million dogs and cats enter shelters in the U.S. each year. More than half will not make it out alive. Does that number change the way people think about which adoption center they are choosing? Shelter that choose to kill animals should be outlawed. Animals can not help if they were given to an abusive and uncaring owner. It is simply not fair to the animals that they are turned away at a shelter. Some abusive pet owners will do whatever it takes to get rid of their animals, for instance, “After a shelter in West Virginia refused to take two kittens from him, a man tossed the animals from his car window and intentionally ran over them in the shelter’s parking lot. One kitten was killed instantly, and the …show more content…

For example, “Staff in adoption guarantee (no-kill) shelters hear it every day. ‘I came to your facility to adopt because you do not kill animals here’" (Maddie’s Fund). People look at no kill animal shelters differently just because they are no kill. When someone walks into a traditional animal shelter, they see animals cooped up in cages that are filled with animal feces and are crowded with multiple animals in one single cage. “Other people go only to adoption guarantee shelters because traditional shelters make them feel guilty and depressed. ‘It really troubles me to see all of those sad eyes and know that if I don't adopt, the animal will probably die’" (Maddie’s Fund). People want to go into a clean adoption agency, where they know that the animals are treated fairly and are clean and healthy. People feel guilty walking into traditional shelters because they know that if the animal does not get adopted, they will die because there is not enough room for

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