
Persuasive Essay Against Animal Testing

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Scientists all over the world use animals to test products for people. Over 100 million animals are tested on each year, in the US alone! Animal rights organizations, such as the PETA, SAEN, and others, have been fighting this practice almost since it began. Their argument is that testing on animals is ethically and morally wrong. However, there are more reasons why it should be stopped than just ethics. Animal experiments must be stopped because they are unreliable, expensive, and unnecessary.
Animal experiments often give unreliable and irrelevant results. Animals anatomies are obviously different than ours and therefore react differently than our body does to medicine. Furthermore, mice are used in 60% of the tests. Mice are not good test subjects because they are so different from us and the test results are unreliable. However, they are cheap and scientists continue to use them. According to bioethicist George Dvorsky, “They're also denied many of the …show more content…

For the small amount of scientific advancements coming from animal tests, they sure cost a lot of money. Every year, billions of dollars go to animal experimentation and 40% of all the money going to it is from U.S. National Institutes of Health. (Animal). Even though all of this money is spent on it, animal testing is obviously not improving America. The U.S. is still “49th in the world in life expectancy and second worst in infant mortality in the developed world.”(Animal). If animal tests were banned, the money could go to better, more relevant, and more important things. The money that animal experiments are guzzling down could instead be given to “alcohol- and drug-treatment centers, prenatal care programs, community mental health clinics, and trauma units [that] continue to suffer closures because they lack sufficient funds.” (Animal). Think of what good could be done with billions of dollars if we stopped wasting it on unproductive and unethical animal

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