Persuasive Essay Against Legalizing Marijuana

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Bob Marley once said, "Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction", this statement has more truth than face value. Change nation in his statement to body, and this little statement will reveal the true impact of "herb" (marijuana) on society compared to alcohol. There are currently 29 states that allow medical marijuana and only eight of those states allow it for recreational purposes. Marijuana is a drug that has proven itself to be safer than both weapons and alcohol, it has also been proven to help with medicinal needs, to grow the economy and to help make new jobs in the United States. Marijuana is a drug that grows naturally on the earth's surface, it gives people a high that lasts roughly 3 hours, this high is due to …show more content…

Medical marijuana is currently used to treat cancer, aids, glaucoma, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and post-traumatic stress disorder. This is the biggest reason why I believe that marijuana should be legalized, if people are suffering through a terminal illness such as cancer and they are receiving chemotherapy, they are already going through enough pain and they are already fighting for their lives. If marijuana makes them feel better and helps with their treatment that is already toxic than they should have access to it instead of having to deal with it cold turkey. Along the same lines no veteran returns home the same, they "live constantly with the war inside them", and medical marijuana helps them cope with the unnatural experience of war and the toll it takes on their body's. The people who risk their lives for our country and our freedom deserve the ability to choose how to cope with their experiences. If marijuana helps them and makes the war in their head subside then it should be legal. As a society "we measure our actions by the rule of pleasure and pain" this does not exclude veterans. If they feel like the use of marijuana brings more pleasure and that it in return outweighs the pain brought from their service than there should be no issue with them partaking in such an innocent …show more content…

This is because the legalization of marijuana will allow dispensaries, the places that sell marijuana, to impact the country in a good way. Legalization will put limits and precautions on marijuana that dispensaries will have to follow, for example, if the government released purity standards, and safety precautions then the marijuana would be safer than what is currently bought out of Mexico. I have multiple friends who have smoked pot that was laced with PCP due to no prior purification checks. It has scared they're lived tremendously especially the one or two that were hospitalized from it. This will also allow for new jobs to work both in the dispensary, and new jobs for the people in charge of checking the purity and potency of the

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