Persuasive Essay: All-Year-Round School

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Imagine this, it’s the last few minutes of the school year and all the students are extremely excited to get out for summer, but without getting that summer break the students would still be having the same boring day. Although some people believe that students should have school all year round but, I believe that they should get summer break. Students should have a summer break because school is stressful, teachers also need a break, and students could spend more time with friends and family. Having school all year can really put so much more stress on them. Teachers work around the clock trying to teach their students and keep them safe, they have to handle the rowdy students, and it is very stressful to get lesson plans together also. Having a summer break can also allow students to spend more time with …show more content…

Schools that converted to year round school saw their attendance numbers drop by twenty-two percent after only one semester. For example, having homework and having to study all the time can put a lot of stress on the students brain. In my opinion, schools put enough stress on the students in the first place and summer vacation is just a nice way of giving a break. Students need summer break because students should not have to be stressed out all year round. Secondly, having a summer break means giving the teachers a break. School is very stressful for teachers also. They have to get lesson plans together for the students, teachers handle very rowdy kids all year and don't get much appreciation. Most of the teachers extra time during the year they spend grading instead. Teachers do so much for students and giving them a summer break really gives them time to recuperate for the next school year and gives them a little while without much stress. School is stressful on not only the students, but it is stressful on the teachers also and they need the

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