Persuasive Essay: Animals Dying In Vain

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Animals Dying in Vain Imagine a third of U.S’s population killed each year due to experiments. That is what is happening right now with animals. There are several websites such as,, and that states that more than 100 millions of animals are being used as test subjects each year. Animals have been used in experiments for about a 100 years now and they have been very useful to humans, yes but since a few decades back people have now started to see its consequences and bad sides. Due to the realisation of that, EU have already taken its first step towards making animals testing illegal, by banning the sale of animal-tested cosmetics. This ban came to be called “The testing bans” (Crueltyfreeinternational). …show more content…

That means that out of a 100 experiments, 92 of those drugs are not safe to us, but they might be safe to use on animals. (livescience) Just that one statistic alone shows how unreliable animal experiments are. If that is not bad enough, website states that up to 90% of animals used in laboratories are not recorded in official statistics, meaning that figures by the U.S Department of Agriculture are underestimated. And while doesn’t talk about any specific number, the website states the same, that a big part of animals used in experiments are excluded from the statistics. If we go back to the first statistic from, with all those experiments that fails and are being thrown aside, think of all those animals that have been tested on or died in …show more content…

One main reason against animal testing is the suffering, and the pain that the animals goes through. talks a lot about the suffering of the animals, and gives this one example of an experiment of Botox in mouses. It says this; “..This cruel test involves injecting hundreds of mice directly into their abdomens and counting the number who die from poisoning over the next three days. Tens of thousands of mice suffer in this way in the UK and Ireland every year.” So basically, the scientists just counts off the mouses as they slowly die. Who knows how much pain the mouses are in during this? Animals are injected, poisoned, isolated, starved, burned, and brain damaged, just to satisfy and help humans. video, Testing 1..2..3 shows some footage on suffering animals, and it is not pretty. Animals have the exact feeling as we do, whatever it is physical or mental, even if we do not share the same