
Persuasive Essay For Animal Testing

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Every year cosmetic companies in the United states kill millions of animals while testing their products. (Point: the fight for animal rights ) According to the British Union for abolition of vivisection, common uses of laboratory animals include testing for toxicity, brain research, dental research, and surgical experiments ( Cruel Beauty). Animals have rights that we are obligated to acknowledge. They have the right to autonomy and, by extension, the rights to freedom from exploitation and freedom from suffering. It is not their amount of intelligence or self awareness which determines whether they possess these rights, but the fact that they have vested interest in their own survival; and, therefore, inherit value. The cost for human beauty should not include product testing that inflicts unspeakable cruelty on animals. …show more content…

For example, among many of the cruel examples of animal product testing is the injection of caustic substances into the eyes of living rabbits while they squirm and scream until they break their necks or backs (Cruel Beauty). The rabbit's eyes are held open with clips and there heads are held still placed inside a metal claw so that they can not break loose during the test. An undercover inquiry was conducted at the L’Oreal laboratories and found out that they fried live mice to test their makeup and sunscreen. American consumers must step up the pressure and boycott companies that test on animals. An online listing of companies that test on animals is extremely long and extends beyond cosmetics to personal care, household items, and other items as well. According to statistics from the American society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, almost a million feel excruciating pain during these experiments (Cruel

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