Persuasive Essay On Abortion

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“ The development of a human being begins with fertilization, a process by which two highly specialized cells, the spermatozoon from the male and the oocyte from the female, unite to give rise to a new organism the zygote." (Walters, William and Singer, Peter (eds.). Test-tube babies. Melbourne; Oxford University press, 19852, p.160) Life begins at fertilization and by being able to conceive a child means that it’s a privilege and blessing. Unfortunately that’s not the case for most American women. Most women turn to procedures called “Abortion”. This is a process where the fetus is killed by the mother’s decision and can be processed in several different ways. No abortion is completely safe, or painless for the women or the fetus. Abortion is murder. American women need to realize that it’s cruel, vicious, and morally wrong. Abortion is not a social issue of having a freedom of choice, but an issue of life and death. Killing an embryo or fetus by abortion is immoral and unethical procedures and it should be illegal. Abortion is a termination of a pregnancy that destroys the life of helpless, innocent children and is illegal in some countries. There are …show more content…

Alveda King mentioned in the article that the abortion industry was only concerned on making money, not what’s best for the women or fetus. The abortion industry generates $1.1 Billion dollars in America alone, on abortion abortion procedure can cost around $400 within six-10weeks of the pregnancy. After the 10th week abortions can sky rocket to $700. This means that the breakdown of the money generated per year equals to more than 825,564 abortions being done per year in the United States. Most definitely all these abortions make it hard to resolve but what pro-choice groups need to understand is that there are plenty of side effects to these abortions and death is just

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