Persuasive Essay On Alcohol Abuse

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Alcohol is a very common liquid in today’s society. People use it for many things, such as drinking and treating wounds. But when it is abused, such as through overdrinking, it can lead to many medical problems, such as alcoholism, cancer and anxiety, to name a few. Because alcohol abuse is also connected to violence, it should be outlawed in the U.S., from manufacturing to consumption. Alcohol and Violence It has long been known that alcohol has a relation to violence. In fact, it is believed that 40% of violent crimes committed in the United States are caused by alcohol abuse. Some of the crimes committed include murder, rape, homicides and assaults. Up to 149,000 rapes a year are caused by alcohol, as well as 197,000 robberies each year. In Australia, every 1 in 4 citizens was a victim of alcohol-related abuse in the past. And …show more content…

37% of almost 2 million convicted offenders reported being drunk at the time of their arrest. Some of them were caught with an alcohol-blood level of 0.24%, which is 3 times the legal U.S. amount. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, it is believed that about 3 million violent crimes occur each year where the offender is drunk. Alcohol and Health We know that alcohol affects the brain, which is why alcohol-related violence is very common. Alcohol has that affect because of how it reacts with the organs in your brain. When consumed, alcohol lowers the level of serotonin in the brain, a chemical that controls one’s impulsive and aggressive actions. That causes people to do things they usually wouldn’t do, much of which is illegal business. Alcohol can lead to many things that affect one’s health, even get them cancer. Alcohol can increase the chance of someone getting mouth or throat cancer when combined with smoking. Alcohol acts as a solvent that makes it easier for the body to absorb the harmful chemicals that a cigarette releases into the body. Alcohol also weakens the

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