Persuasive Essay On Alcohol Abuse

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Alcohol Abuse is defined as the habit of misusing alcohol. This is a growing problem in today’s culture that will continue to expand. This abuse affects not just the person involved, but the community in which the person lives. For starters abusing alcohol causes the body of the drinker to suffer. This puts them at risk for heart and liver failure, it also substantially increases their risk for developing cancer. (The Truth About Alcohol) This abuse also puts the community in danger of accidents due to intoxication. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately thirty people die every day from vehicular accidents involving an intoxicated driver. This may not seem like a large number, but if you think of this over …show more content…

As you can see, these are alarming statistics and something should be done about this problem before more lives are lost. Throughout the years, people have tried many different solutions to correct this such as instituting a drinking age and opening rehabilitation centers where people could seek help, however, none of these have seemed to decrease the number of people who begin drinking, it is just help for those who have already begun. This is why I propose we defeat the problem by starting at the source. We will spread awareness in schools of the effects alcohol has on the mind and body and why students should refrain from it. In addition to simply giving the students facts about alcohol abuse, schools would also teach the students how to use alcohol safely, assuming that not all of them will …show more content…

For starters hiring more officers will cost money that the community does not have. The community we live in is small and does not have many businesses that pay taxes to the city; therefore it does not have the funds to sustain new police officers. This also takes up more time because the officers will need to be trained. The police station would have to inform them on how to handle situations involving alcohol abuse. The police the community has now has done poorly of controlling this issue; they tend to look the other way as long as no one or nothing is being harmed. Therefore, hiring new officers without proper training would not help the problem, it would only cost the city

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