
Persuasive Essay On Animal Abuse

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Anyone that had a puppy as a child can remember the joy they experienced as of receiving it. Walking into that pet store and seeing all the newborns scratching at the window begging to get picked, just made it seems much more innocent than it already was. How can such a cute thing be so dark and disturbing. The process of producing these puppies is brutal and inhumane. The mothers all cramped in small sheds, giving birth 24/7 in their own filth; for the rest of their miserable lives. My arguments are that breeders for these illegal farms completely ignore animal abuse laws, all sketchy puppy farms lie about their horrible conditions also they’re are better ways of breeding puppies.

Animal Abuse, it is the infliction of mental or physical abuse against any animal weather feral or tamed. Most illegal puppy farms inflict animal abuse towards it puppies. Infact one of the most reported abused pet is a dog. Puppy breeders have requirements that have to be followed in Australia. Which are that 1 out of 3 fertile female dogs have to be registered under the AO, the number of register fertile females go up by one as another dog is added. Vaguely simple but not to the illegal farmers, a reported 600 fertile females are unregistered at illegal puppy farms. …show more content…

Inspectors are required to check the living conditions of the female breeders and the puppies, also the shelter and food required. An easy list to follow but illegal farmers have their own ways of beating the requirements, Bribing inspectors is a dirty yet highly used mentioned. Offers are usually in the thousand depending on how much the farmers make, remember they’ll offer as much as they can to keep what gives them a living. This is the true side of puppy farming, seems idiotic but everything in life has a cruel twist to it. Why put so much work into doing the illegal rather than doing it the best

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