Persuasive Essay On Animal Rights

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The circus has dazzled many an audience for decades on end, but there is much speculation surrounding these displays recently. The circus is a place that many have visited whether it be a few times to just one. Circuses travel the continents demonstrating whatever they have to offer from an elephant balancing on a ball to a lion jumping through a fiery hoop. It could be argued that the animals provide an easy and fun form of entertainment for viewers to enjoy and that they live a better life than if they were left in the wild; however, their lives are unbearable and tragic which many may not see. Several circuses around the world such as the Ringling Brothers Circus are one of many that use animals for their acts with few human acts. Animals …show more content…

They should be given more rights and freedoms just as humans. Given that animals already have certain rights protecting them in different ways, the point behind animal rights is that they have a right to live free from pain and suffering; something most circuses disregard. “In the United States, no government agency monitors animal training sessions”, this is why many do not know what happens to these animals (ASPCA). Most information gathered about these animals is from trainers that have left their jobs or from individuals sent to secretly uncover the monstrosities. Several animals are taken from their families or mothers at birth and brought up in the circus performing damaging actions. Elephants, the most common circus animals, are raised by their mothers until adulthood; considering that some are taken at birth they are deprived of companionship and proper raising. Because of this lack of mother to child interaction, they develop severe stress, depression, anxiety and neurotic behavior such as head bobbing. These animals would normally roam the wild hunting and enjoying vast wide open spaces in which they can run, explore and play; but all flexibility is taken from them. Circus animals are enslaved and should be allowed the freedom and ability to live full lives just as humans are fitted to

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