Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

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Testing on Animals is Abuse Many products people used today are tested on animals. This is animal abuse for so many animals are harmed, in pain, or even died from these tests. We need to help these innocent animals by raising awareness and preventing more harmful test to be done in the future. In U.S labs over a hundred animals are burned, crippled, and abused every year. 90 percent of the animals used in these trials in U.S. labs do not count as animal tested in official statistics. Animal experiments are not declining sadly they are increasing in many parts of the world. Many animals that are subjected to these tests are not covered under the Animal Welfare Act. Animals such as mice, birds, fish, and reptiles are no even under the animal category for this federal law. What is even worse is that most animals that are under the AFA are not necessarily protected from torture. Europe, Israel, and India have already banned animal testing for …show more content…

The results of these experiments are meaningless and wasted on these poor animals lives. Researchers normally underestimate the numbers of animals needed for test the new medications. These small studies lack the ability to pinpoint the biological effects in the drugs. With these unreliable results mean that all animal lives involved have been wasted. When testing on Animals many forms of animal abuse is taken in things such as forcing chemical exposure through oral force-feedings, forced inhalation, and also injections. Exposure to certain drugs and infections diseases which can cause pain, illness, and even death to these animals. The infliction of wounds, burns, and also others injurys to test the healing abilities. Food or water deprivation which is cruel to starve these innocent animals. More extreme measures is killing by Carbon dioxide asphyxiation, breaking there necks, and other

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