
How To Be Attractive To Society Essay

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Being attractive is a big thing in this society. Everyone wants to be noticed and everyone wants positive attention. You want to be “pretty” or “handsome” to get this attention. Everyone loves getting compliments; it makes them feel good about themselves. Unfortunately, society is mean. Society runs people down. It’s very sad but its true. Society will make you feel ugly. So, how do you think individuals deal with the pressure that society puts on all of us? Of course, we try to be someone we aren’t. We do things we don’t want to do just to try to live up to society’s expectations.
I interviewed some of my close friends and just asked them simple questions. I asked them “Are you happy with your body?” Most said no, some said yes. I asked the ones who said no a very simple question, “why?” A few of them said, “I just don’t like it, I want to be skinner” or, “I want to have more curves”. The answers I got were sad; all of the people I asked were perfect in their own ways. I asked, “Do you diet frequently?” I got the answer of, “No, but I need to.” I asked the simple question of “Why?” again and the answers came, “I don’t want other people to think I’m fat and not good enough.”
There is so much pressure put on us by people we don’t even know and society to be “perfect”. If we don’t have the perfect body, or if you are a guy, …show more content…

This means you are comfortable in your own skin. This means you are happy with who you are and what you are becoming. You love yourself, your body, and your personality. There are times though when things just begin to destroy your self-esteem. For example, society does this often. As I mentioned before, if you don’t meet the standards of having the “perfect body” this will tear you down mentally. Seeing pictures of “perfect people” causes us to look at our self and think bad things and think down upon ourselves. We start wishing we could be like them. This is a negative body

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