
Persuasive Essay On Child Soldiers

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Child soldiers fight for their lives. They voluntarily kill their family and friends in order to protect themselves. These children may sound innocent, but they know what they’re doing is wrong and still continue to do it because it makes them happy. Should they be forgiven? Because these kids know what they’re doing is wrong after their innocence of 12 years, and also cause threats to our country, child soldiers over the age of 12 should receive amnesty. These child soldiers over the age of 12 are mature enough to know what’s going on and that it’s not okay. No stable human would think it’s acceptable to kill their own family and friends. According to Wink Literary Magazine, child soldiers volunteer to fight in deadly wars. It is their choice and they chose to kill people also so you UDHR’s article 6 which states that quote everyone has the right to have recognition. It is a legal factor that you cannot hurt another person, and these individuals are doing just that. You can only assume they should be treated the same as any other criminal. …show more content…

The reason for this is that these kids under 12 years old are innocent and do not always know what's wrong or right yet, they haven’t matured. Some are forced into fighting in wars, for example - Omar Khadr was born into his dad being part of a group that forces kids to fight in wars. Omar says, “It was the happiest moment of my life”, when he shot a US guard, according to Andrea Pashow. This is because while growing up this was the only thing he knew and it was wrong. Now that he's older he understands what he did was totally wrong and regrets it. When under 12 he did not know any better and was innocent because that was all he knew growing

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