Persuasive Essay On Child Vaccines

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Vaccines aren’t necessarily the most pleasant thing to get from the hospital, but at least we are safe from viruses like the flu. Before vaccines many people had to suffer from painful diseases, that had no known cure. Many parents inoculated their child at a young age with harmful viruses such as smallpox, so they won’t suffer from the disease at an older age. Since then we developed vaccines as a safe way to protect kids from dangerous diseases.Vaccines should be a requirement in all states, and all parents should be encouraged to give their child vaccines.
We can’t deny that vaccines actually are effective and help save many lives. Edward Jenner was inoculated with smallpox at a young age, so when he became older he wouldn’t get sick from smallpox. Edward Jenner invention of the vaccine help get rid of smallpox worldwide and helped many people from ever getting smallpox ever again. "most childhood vaccines are 90%-99% effective in preventing disease"(American Academy of Pediatrics …show more content…

This year I wasn’t able to receive the flu shot, but my brother did. I didn’t get sick the whole winter, while my brother got sick with a minor form of the flu. I probably didn’t get sick from flu, but if I had gotten the flu it would have been far worse than what my brother experience. Vaccines shouldn’t be ignored and it can prevent kids from missing school.
Should vaccines be enforced by the law? In my opinion, vaccines are important for a child’s health and school shouldn’t have to let kids attend school if they don’t have all their shots. Vaccines are effective and have shown that they are relative save. Not only that, but vaccines are helpful since it saves kids from also missing school and not get as sick as they would have gotten the shot. If it wasn’t for Edward Jenner we would still be getting inoculated and the smallpox virus would still be around to this