
Persuasive Essay On Concealed Hand Guns

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“In our everyday lives we are constantly endangered with violence rather that be from gangs, robbers, or rapist; it is rightfully just to believe that all methods of protecting ourselves is morally right” (NRA). In this modern society we can no longer use swords and arrows to keep the peace of our great nation. We the people of the Unites States must stand up for our 2nd Amendment that specifies the “rights of the people to keep and bear arms” to better protect ourselves by allowing mankind the full opportunity to carry a concealed handgun. Since the introduction of concealed handguns mankind has been protecting themselves from harm. Such as “On February 3, 1996 outside a bar in Texcoco, Mexico (a city thirty miles east of Mexico City), a woman …show more content…

This is a completely justifiable question, why not leave it to the proper authorities? The response I have to this question is to ask them a question in return. What would you do if an irrational person just bolted at you with a knife with the intent of taking your life? You couldn’t call the police in that type of situation, your only choices are to simply stand there and just let that person hurt you, or stand up and fight for your life. Most sane people would fight back. Now let’s say you had the time to call the police when the attacker is charging at you .In knowing that the record speed for” the fastest time to a 911 call is held by the Nashville State Police of 9 minutes “( Self Defense) the attacker would have plenty of time to hurt you. However if the circumstances was that you had a concealed handgun with you, you would have the opportunity to stop your attacker by either scaring him off or do what is necessary. Due to the fact that most people take about thirty seconds to two minutes to fire a weapon your odds of survival increased dramatically. Thus demonstrating the fact that people with concealed handguns have better opportunities to save themselves rather than just placing their lives in the hope that their local

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