Persuasive Essay On Cosmetics Animal Testing

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Animal Testing for Cosmetics: Cruel and Unnecessary Somewhere in the US right now an innocent animal is bleeding, eyes burning, and cowering in fear of what is going to happen to them next. Somewhere an animal is becoming disconnected with reality because it's being put through unmentionable torture. That somewhere is in our drug labs, cosmetic factories, and other labs throughout the country. Every year millions of innocent animals are blinded, tortured, tested on, and killed all in the name of beauty and looking good. This can be avoided though, because we live in a modern society and science has given us alternatives to animal testing. There is no reason why these archaic practices should still be in use today, and the public should know that there are alternative practices in play that will not only give us better and cheaper cosmetics that meet safety and health regulations, but also without the useless slaying and torture of innocent animals. In today's society animal testing for commercial cosmetics is unnecessary and cruel to …show more content…

Three of the major resources that scientists are utilizing right now are in vitro testing, in silico testing, and human testing with human participants. In vitro testing utilizes human cells and tissues in drug, cosmetic, allergenic, and toxicity testing. (“FAQ”). In silico testing uses advanced computer models to predict adverse reactions. One of the biggest and most ground breaking corporations offering in vitro testing is MatTek.(“FAQ.”)MatTek has been making in vitro technologies since 1993 when they first came out with their EpiDerm. (“FAQ”). EpiDerm mimics the human skin and reacts like real human skin, and can predict adverse reactions almost precisely like human skin would. This technology can determine if a certain drug, chemical, or cosmetic would be harmful to humans. MatTek not only has the EpiDerm but 8 others that are being

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