Persuasive Essay On Craigslist

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It has kind of become cliche, the danger of selling on Craigslist. This includes but is not limited to being scammed or experiencing some sort of bodily harm. However, Craigslist can also be a vein of gold for the right seller. Savvy Craigslist sellers actually make some pretty serious cash by selling their wares.

If you have items to sell and you’d like to join the ranks of successful Craigslist sellers, here are some things you to need to do to sell your items quickly and safely.

Safety First: Use the Buddy System

In many respects, when selling on Craigslist, your safety lies in numbers, according to The Huffington Post.

Whenever you sell something on this online site make sure that you have someone with you. Don’t allow a random buyer to meet you at your home when you’ll be there by yourself.

Even better yet, try …show more content…

So do legitimate buyers who actually want to buy stuff on Craigslist. If the price on an item is too good to be true, it’s probably a scam.

Therefore, avoid looking like you’re scamming buyers by pricing your items correctly.

Now, here’s why you want to actually price an item for slightly more than the market value in your area. Craigslist sales include their faire share of haggling. The smartest sellers remember this when they’re pricing their items.

Let’s say you’re selling a leather couch with a matching chair and ottoman and that you’ve determined the fair market price in your area for that is $900.00.

Go ahead and price the couch for $1,000.00 or even $1,100.00. After your buyer haggles with you a bit, it’s likely that you’ll still get your desired $900.00 from the set.

Parting Thoughts

Making money quickly and safely on Craigslist requires a bit of prepping. You’ll want to make arrangements with friends or family to be with you when you meet up with the buyer who wants to buy your furniture.

You also want to only deal with cash buyers. Buyers who offer other types of payments may not be