Persuasive Essay On Creation Vs Evolution

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In order for a theory to qualify as a scientific theory it must be supported by observations that are repeatably observable and the theory must, in principle, be falsifiable. That is, there must be some way to demonstrate that the theory is false if indeed it is false. Neither creation nor evolution fulfills the criteria of a scientific theory. There were no human observers to the origin of the universe, the origin of life, or to the origin of a single living thing. These events occurred in the unobservable past and are not repeatable in the present. Creation and evolution are inferences based on circumstantial evidence. They are theories about history. Stephen Jay Gould, Harvard professor and a leading spokesman for evolutionary theory today, states that “Evolutionary biology is a …show more content…

But evolution states that we are decedents of apes or fish, animals in general, but its physically impossible for us to evolve from a fish vertebrate and still be able to call us humans. Evolution is a belief that has no record of ever existing, though it is a strong believe science backs it up entirely, but with some people the bible also has some science behind its works. The bible mentions a world wide flood which is how we have mountains and valleys, and islands, Pangea was the world before the flood where all 7 continents were merged and put together as one, but the flood tore us apart and now we have different regions and languages because god wanted us separated from one another because of the building of the Tower of Babel. God had given us the ability to adapt to other cultures and languages as for evolution we are supposed to already know everything without a teacher. Science is a wonderful thing, but the history of the bible and reaction is more powerful than the belief of something just exploding and becoming

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