Persuasive Essay On Crime And Crime

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Have you ever wondered like what our country would be like without crime? All the people that have been affected by this terrible monster of an issue. But now no more, imagine that for a minute.

This furthermore put me into my next topic of conversation of this issue now lets dig deeper into this topic now.

The crime rate in the united state has mostly been contributed by Illegal immigrants, here is reasons why this is a real problem. This is the reason why this is what it is to be.The labor rate of Americans lost to illegal immigrants is a very catastrophic number and needs to be fixed. Due to our crime divine society.

The labor rate of Americans lost to illegal immigrants is a very catastrophic number and needs to be fixed. For instance, Street acknowledges “The 'Labor Participation Rate ' for teenagers 16 to 19 years old has plummeted by 36 percent, since 2000 from 55 percent to below 35 percent. The Labor Force Participation rate for 20-to-24-year olds has also fallen by over 8 percent, from 79 percent to 70 percent… “ (Street). This quote means that people have stopped working due to the lack of jobs available. Illegal immigrants keep taking jobs which makes the american employment rate goes up. This is why illegal immigrants should not be allowed. As a general rule if Illegal immigrants keep taking American jobs the employment rate will go down. If this keeps happening the unemployment rate for Americans will go up.

For example Borjas implies “A decade ago,