Persuasive Essay On Date Rape

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As children, boys are taught that the only way to get the attention of a girl is to initiate in punching, kicking and hair-pulling. Physical violence is advocated as a romantic gesture. Even though many citizens believe rape culture is based on false accusations, societal opinions directly impact sexual assault survivors because consent is nonnegotiable, protection programs are looked down upon, and victim blaming is solely based on misconception. Often date rape is excused for bad nights. By default, men are not blamed for sexual assault that have happened at parties. The student who received a twenty-thousand dollar scholarship could surely not have drugged a woman at an event. This man had a planned and successful life ahead, leaving spectators wondering what could have gone wrong. Time magazine writer Eliana …show more content…

A variety of colleges have taken band-aid approaches such as banning alcohol and co-ed dorms (Fletcher and Oxenden). Apps such Circle Six were made to retreat from uncomfortable situations by pressing a button and alerting the friends and family of the user (Gray). While these minor affairs do help protect could-be victims, there are still much larger steps to be taken. The Green Dot Program is a form of education to encourage bystanders to act up and not stay silent, along with the phrase “yes means yes.” (Fletcher and Oxenden). The phrase signifies having consent throughout the entire sexual encounter. Former President of the United States, Barack Obama even had a campaign called It’s On Us. The movement focused on ending sexual violence on college campuses (Fletcher and Oxenden). The Obama Administration also threatened to withhold federal funding from schools that did not have proper rape culture initiatives in place (Gray). With an increasing amount of programs being produced, the stigma around talking about rape should be, in good time,