Persuasive Essay On Daylight Saving Time

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Abstract The advancement in technology has dictated a need to ban daylight savings time. Although, the past, when America needed to save on fuel and daylight, it made sense to add and take away an hour to achieve this purpose. However, since the advances in technology have altered the needs of consumers and the country, this change in time is passé. While many agree that it is still a relevant need, the technological advances that dictate this need is no longer relevant will be examined. The achievements in electricity, air conditioning and transportation, oppose daylight savings time. The low watt lights and power saver appliances coupled with efficient central air conditioning and heat, means less of a reliability toward fossil fuels. The advancement in transportation services, such as mass transportation, “green” cars and a more efficient use of fuel, makes the original reason to change the time obsolete. When countered with the disruption in routine, sleep habits and overall health, suggests that the need for this time change is no longer necessary. Routines are disrupted and the circadian rhythm is altered, thus decreasing the beneficial sleep needed to accomplish a full day’s activity. Keywords: Daylight, savings, time, technology, health, problems, fuel, transportation, circadian, …show more content…

Since, DST is currently in place for 7 months out of the year, why not just keep it for the full year? It would avert the issues people face on every occasion the time is changed. Mainly, the health concerns and the difficulties to our psyche that are caused by this adjustment in our clocks, would be eliminated. As for the technological issues, these have been proven as antiquated and outdated. As we are advancing toward a superior future, the Department of Transportation must acknowledge the absence of this need and generate the appropriate

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