Persuasive Essay On Daylight Saving Time

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Should the United States Eliminate Daylight Saving Time? Is daylight savings time beneficial to society? Daylight Saving Time or DST is beneficial for all. There are many benefits when increasing daylight time. This equates that a significant amount of energy is conserved. However, some scientists claim that DST disturbs sleep patterns and effects health and health care devices negatively. DST is when many nations change their clocks, to an hour earlier in the winter. There are many arguments regarding this change. However, the greatness of daylight savings time should not be controversial; since, DST was proven to be favorable to society. Additionally, a clock advanced to one hour can conserve energy and provides a booster of health benefits. For these reasons, it would be most foolish for anyone to deny the positive benefits of DST. There are those who argue against DST. Many complain that DST effects health and healthcare devices negatively, and disrupts sleep …show more content…

Unfortunately, those who are against DST, claim that daylight time is harmful because it may disturb sleep patterns. It is written, “A disadvantage of observing daylight savings time is the disturbance in sleep patterns, especially for those that are critical of time punctuality” [Text 2 Line, 45-46]. Yes, DST may disrupt sleep patterns but only for a short period of time. Furthermore, what about child safety? Sleep may be vital; but extra light from DST in the afternoon can decrease accidents for children. Due to DST, children can walk home from school when it is still light. Therefore, it is imperative to consider DST before sleep. Additionally, “Farmers oppose daylight savings time on the basis that grain is best harvested after dew evaporates” [Lines55-56]. These farmers should take into account irrigation and create a system that works. Additionally, over planting grains may use up the nutrients needed to plant, therefore it is clever to develop a rotation

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