Persuasive Essay On Deaf Education

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Persuasive Essay: Education of Sign Language In the American School System
Many schools throughout America do not offer a course or club for students to learn sign language. If it isn't going to be a requirement for students in elementary through high school level, then it should be offered and highly encouraged in the least. The serious lack of education when it comes to sign language affects how people who are hard of hearing (HOH) or who are involved in the deaf community often get treated, and can make simple tasks such as drive throughs much more difficult because if they're unable to speak, or uncomfortable doing so, then they have to result to written communication which can make things harder than they ever need to be. These things …show more content…

A serious lack of consideration for people who communicate differently that a majority of people do is not often considered, and this causes people involved in the deaf community to have their mental and physical health affected significantly. “Deaf individuals experience worse psychological and physical health relative to their hearing counterparts,” and “Deaf individuals report worse rates of physical well-being and are less likely to utilize health care systems than hearing individuals,” (Deaf Stigma). In the article Deaf Stigma, it mentions that those who are involved with the deaf community and use sign language have been recorded to have much higher rates of symptoms of depression, impulse control disorders, and developmental disorders.
A majority of the population knowing how to sign would not completely take away the arduous mental health factors of being deaf or hard of hearing. However, having sign language courses be a requirement for the American school system would make a significant difference for the poor treatment received by many. Education in sign language would adjust the way that communication is approached for those individuals to make the everyday tasks that are easy for hearing people become much easier, less mentally draining and complex for deaf and HOH …show more content…

Most things people do on a daily basis have been created in a way that meets the needs of hearing people. While there is a significant amount of hearing people versus deaf and hard of hearing people in the world, it is still extremely unfair that due to the fact that some people can’t communicate through talking and speaking, they are forced to go about daily activities in a way that is more complex and complicated while so simple for the majority of people. Life could be made so much easier if everyone was taught even a small amount of sign language and deaf culture in