Persuasive Essay On Dog Sledding

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There are many great and fun sports one can do with a canine companion. Such as agility, fetching, jumping, and hunting for recreation or competition. Perhaps my favorite sport to do with a dog is dog sledding. The sport of dog sledding teaches a dog to run while hooked up to a sled where the musher (person) stands. Most teams range between two and twenty-one dogs working together. Dog sledding played a rich and vital part in history, being the best type of transportation in the wilderness. Now it has expanded a lot to encompass; companies, competitive racers, and or recreational mushers along with many different types of dog sledding. This sport is a great way to exercise and mentally stimulate an energetic dog. Although there are some that oppose this industry, saying it is …show more content…

Of course with every sport there are risk for all participants. Leading some to take extreme cases of bad happening to try and prove that all dog sledding is cruel and should be shut down. However, when done right it is an amazing way to bond with your canine friend. One person who such opposes the sled dog business is Peter Fricker, the communications director for the Vancouver Humane Society. Fricker writes an article titled, Sled Dog Businesses Don’t Celebrate Animals, They Exploit Them, about the film Sled Dogs. Fricker himself was interviewed for the film, “representing the position of the Vancouver Humane Society, which is opposed to the commercial use of dogs in the sled dog industry.” The film portrays among other things, dogs tied to posts for what Fricker calls, “hours-on-end in miserable conditions.” Fricker is

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