Persuasive Essay On Drag Racing

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Motorsports have a huge fan base that can go to any length to spectate the events. Motorsports often raise the adrenaline especially as the drag racing vehicles rev out of sight in pursuit of each other. Drag racing has come a long way since the 1940s when a race would be a regular road closed for some time to give way to competition. The blocking of roads for a reasonable stretch for racing had its challenges since there were many fatalities on the roads as the racing cars caused many accidents to pedestrians and other innocent road users. The popularity of drag racing, especially in states like North Carolina, can be likened to football in this dispensation. The same way footballers are famous and popular in today's society is the same way drag racers were exalted then. …show more content…

Despite being a mere spectator in the sport, I follow the proceedings religiously throughout every season. The sport began in the1940s with a small following with only a few fans being spotted in the video. Today, the sports witness’s large attendance which began in the 1950s as witnessed in the video. Slingshot dragsters have also risen both in number and in determination for competition. The sport has over time gained support from sponsors and the media as it proved its worth in moving the masses. Slingshot drag racing has experienced the transformation of technology and the whole advancement journey. The sport can also be attributed to its share of contributing to the evolution of the car. The first slingshot cars were basic, and the automotive engineers improved cars over time and testing them on racing tracks which enables fine-tuning of prototypes. Drag racing can also be attributed to the recent racing ordeal which has a huge following from all over the

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