Persuasive Essay On Drug Rehabilitation

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What could we do to save hundreds of thousands of American lives from drugs? By putting new systems in place it is possible to do. First, we need to look at what is the most cost-effective and efficient for our time. With those guidelines, we narrow down an endless amount of possibilities to a much shorter list. We need to look at the best ways that scientists and governments have learned to reduce the risk of death among drug users.
The first thing we need to do is eliminate the drugs that are not readily used or have too little deaths to target. The reason we are eliminating certain drugs is that if we focus all of our energy in one place rather than spreading ourselves thin we can get more done. First of all, we will eliminate cannabis because …show more content…

One of the best methods developed for rehabilitation was developed and used for more than twenty years in Switzerland. It involves starting at a normal dose for the user and then slowly lowering their doses until it reaches zero. “Of an estimated 22-24,000 addicts (dropping 4% per year) 16,500 are in treatment and 92% are given daily doses of primary methadone at conventional clinics.” If you look at it this way, it makes a lot of sense because take something you know you use or take too much of (for example caffeine or candy) and apply it to yourself. If you were to have a 10 cups of coffee a day and each month you take off one cup of coffee, you end up not drinking any coffee with little to no withdraw symptoms during the …show more content…

The lowest death rate from tobacco-related deaths in all of Europe is Sweden which has only five percent of the population smoking tobacco compared to the US at fifteen percent and the second-best rate in Europe (Denmark) at fifteen percent. In Sweden, they have the lowest death rate from tobacco in the world. This is because the Swedish government meets people at their level. Not trying to get them to quit cold turkey. “Harm reduction is a controversial approach to improving public health in many Western countries because governing bodies and medical organizations feel obligated to advocate for nothing less than total cessation.” Not only that they pushed for a less lethal alternative to smoking tobacco. “Harm reduction is the philosophy that certain addictions can be rerouted toward less-harmful, non-lethal behaviors. In the case of smoking, it has meant a federal push in Sweden since the 1980s to wean smokers off their cigarettes by getting them to switch to a moist tobacco powder known as

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