
Persuasive Essay On Drunk Driving

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Drunk driving is a big problem here in the United States about 5% of all auto accidents involves drinking. This problem has increased by 30% in the last 10 years, leaving more people seriously injured. Many people in law enforcement and in the U.S. Senate have tried to slow down or even attempt to stop this pandemic by having more strict laws and even having a designated driver program offering to drive people home. Social aspects might come into play when the decision to drive under the influence “DUI” when they are surrounded by friends just because they want to impress them. This can lead not just the drunk driver at risk for their own life, but the other innocent people simply trying to go home. Drunk driving results in careless drivers, …show more content…

This is why the Senate wants to lower the legal limit from .08 to .05. Since they have learned by looking at the statistics of other countries in Europe where drinking is a big thing on how they have controlled it by law enforcement. By looking at other countries like Netherlands and Australia where the BAC is .05 has resulted in the number of crashes declining dramatically over the last few years. For example, “Researchers found that when the United States lowered the illegal BAC (blood alcohol concentration) limit for driving from .10 to the current .08, studies in States that lowered the limit indicated that an average 7 to 8 percent fewer alcohol-related crashes, fatalities or injuries occurred”(Study finds lower blood alcohol limits save lives, reduce crashes). By them looking into the DUI situation and researching the problem shows that they want to help fix the problem. Since the number of car crashes per year caused by DUI’s resulted in being fatal many of them being repeat offenders. By looking at these kinds of facts about DUI show that they don’t care about others or the law and need to be stopped. Majority of DUI crashes over the years have increased by 5% from 2012-2013 hurting innocent people in the

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