The Electronic Cigarette are the next big thing in the tobacco industry and they are not the safest they claim to be therefore, no one should use electronic cigarette. One of the claims is it will help stop all the effects of second hand smoke. The electronic cigarette has many un-known chemicals in them. The study of electronic cigarette can give us answers to the question are electronic cigarette safer then smoking cigarette. The electronic cigarette are less toxic to second hand smokers unlike tobacco cigarette, but electronic cigarette is just as toxic to the user as cigarette is. The way people believe in the hype is not good this can be very bad and cause a lot more damage to the body just like smoking regular cigarette it is important …show more content…
Electronic cigarettes are the most commonly used tobacco product by middle and high school students. The young adults do not know what they doing they are still going but the smoking electronic cigarettes can damage the growth of the youth. Electronic cigarettes are the most commonly used tobacco product by middle and high school students. There is many thing like electronic cigarette that the tobacco industry want to get young adults to buy their products they get a lot of their money from young adults. The way the tobacco industry have many of the young adults friendly flavors. They only want money and know by having flavors like strawberry, bubble gum and so many more that are advise to the young adults. The way people show vapor as being cool and a accessories it not good for middle and high school kids to be vapor. The way they made electronic cigarettes seem so friendly but that is not the case they are not one …show more content…
The dangerous thing is that of the unknown it is important to know the bad not the only one thing that is good the whole no second hand smoke. The way thing is happen and the research has not happen and electronic cigarettes are going to be popular and when the truth is coming out about electronic cigarettes in the bad that comes ether people need to know everything about it and what they are putting in their body and see if they still want to smoke it. The way thing get popular and electronic cigarette are all around us and you see many people doing it and it does not mean it is good. The way people believe one thing about the electronic cigarettes makes them ignore the facts, they have no idea what effects the electronic cigarettes have. The important thing is which one is worst and what conquest can be overlooked in the end it all depends how will the decision