Persuasive Essay On Endangered Species Act

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Each year more and more animals are falling victim to human evolution. With every new technological advance and all the destruction humans contribute to the environment, animals have a smaller percentage of surviving. The devastation of the animals first started with the ‘popular’ endangered species. The endangerment and small population of these species finally sparked a need in humans to do something about it. That is how the Endangered Species Act was finally initiated. However, as much good as the act has done, it has a major flaw that needs to be brought up and solved. Endangered species are going extinct at a much higher rate because the Endangered Species Act takes too long to go into effect. “More than 40 species have gone extinct while waiting for protection, as the law only works after species make it onto the list” (Curry). The laws regarding getting animals onto the endangered species act need to change because it takes too long to get an animal onto the endangered species list; which means many are needlessly dying, but there are many things people can do to help these animals while they are being considered for the list. To start off, the Endangered Species Act was brought forth in 1973. Each state has its own variation of the Endangered Species Act which means many species, that vary between states, slip through the ESA’s cracks. President Richard Nixon was the main driver for the ESA. He brought up the fact that the United States were lacking in the conservation of species department. Therefore, Congress passed the Endangered Species Act on the 28th of December in 1973. The act makes sure that all agencies for the …show more content…

That flaw is most likely caused by the fact that the act was put into effect in 1973 and the last time it was amended was in December of 2004. The ESA needs to be taken more into the twenty-first century. The factors an agency considers getting a species onto the list are

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