Persuasive Essay On Euthanasia

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Following the recent passing of the “right to die” bill in California, euthanasia has become an increasingly debatable topic in the United States. Euthanasia, or also known as assisted suicide, or “ the Right to Die” is the act of medically ending someone or something’s life in a humane way. Only five states out of our nation, including California, have legalized assisted suicide. This controversial topic has been an issue for centuries all around the world. Citizens were swift to pick a “side”. Supporters believe that the wishes of the patient should be fulfilled if he or she wishes to die, while those opposed believe life should not be taken. In 1938, the Euthanasia Society of America was formed. Although the first recorded attempt to get assisted suicide legalized was a case in Ohio in 1903. This society devoted itself to change the way people saw assisted suicide. Thousands of people believed assisted suicide to be “murder” or morally wrong while this organization saw a different …show more content…

Jack Kevorkian also commonly known as “ Dr. Death” has been a busy activist for the “Right to Die” movement. He defied social norm by performing Euthanasia. His first patient was a teacher from Oregon who was suffering from Alzheimer's. On June 4th,1990, Dr. Kevorkian assisted Janet Adkins in her suicide in a Volkswagen van not too far from his house. Since then to till March 26th,1999, when Dr. Kevorkian was committed of second degree murder, he aided in euthanasia for over 130 patients. His reasoning for aiding all of these patients was to show, he believed assisted suicide was not a bad thing and that it was his duty to help these people that were suffering. Now there are 10 guidelines so that a patient's life is not ended when it did not need to be. “1. The patient must be terminally ill and expected to die within six months; mentally competent; fully informed about his or her diagnosis, prognosis, risks and alternatives, such as comfort care; and making a voluntary

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