
Persuasive Essay On Euthanasia

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While growing up, I have been curious about the topic of euthanasia. My curiosity began shortly after the death of my beloved poodle, Mugsy. On one summer day near my family’s garden, he was found lying motionless and unresponsive. Following the veterinarian’s close examination, he was diagnosed with an incurable heat stroke. With very few options left, the veterinarian asked my family the life or death question: “Should Mugsy be euthanized?” After much thought, we decided to pull the plugs, euthanizing him. Mugsy’s euthanasia served as the beginning of my motivation to research the topic. From my research, I have gathered many different standpoints on euthanasia. Because euthanasia is a growing topic in today’s society, more information is …show more content…

Typically, when a person or animal is euthanized, a lethal dose of drugs is injected into them while they sleep. Although it may be considered murder or assisted suicide, euthanization never grants any form of pain or suffering to the recipient. The only pain and suffering that may come from euthanasia are from loved ones, grieving the loss of the euthanized patient. However, their perceived loss may have been a victory after all, as the person they love is no longer afflicted. Death does not always have a negative connotation. When many think of death, they think of an inevitable and unfortunate occurrence. A possible depiction could be of a convicted murderer walking to an electric chair, nervously eyeing the executioner who will end his/her life. However, for euthanized people, death may serve as more of a relief. If the person about to die on the electric chair was suffering from a terrible disease, the numbness of death will liberate them from their dreadful state. So if that is the case, shouldn’t the murderer be forced to live as punishment? This particular scenario has made me think the topic over. When a criminal is forced to die, their inevitable death can actually be a …show more content…

To enhance my research, I have personally interviewed a local doctor. Certified in internal medicine, Edmundo Tamayo is a great candidate to offer insight on the topic. Similar to the opinions in the previous two paragraphs, his objects to the idea of euthanizing life. He considers it a form of “playing God”. Instead of allowing nature to run its course, euthanasia causes people to take matters into their own hands. He takes more of a religious standpoint, stating that only God himself should have the power to rightfully kill another being. Humans are powerful beings, but should never control God’s destiny. Hence, Dr. Tamayo is very against the idea of euthanasia, scolding the people who commit it. The medical staff at University of Miami hospital have provided useful information on euthanasia. After conducting a survey similar to the one found on appendix C, I have found a correlation between the responses in the online website and the ones I personally received. A vast majority of the medical staff is against euthanasia, with some possessing religious influences to their standpoints. The percentage of workers personally surveyed that object to the idea of Euthanasia is seventy-five percent, only four

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