Persuasive Essay On Foster Home

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Did you know that over half a million kids in the United States alone are in foster care? This is because the parents of these children are not able to or not willing to take care of these children. Reasons for this might be that the parents might have abused the child, are addicted to drugs, or they cannot support them financially. Another possibility is just the lack of care and effort on the parents’ part to support and raise the children. If people started treating foster children as a priority, then the children would get adopted and finally get a loving home they need and deserve. The life of a foster child is depressing and damaging to the child mentally and physically. The children in foster homes have usually been separated from their parents for a long time even up to the age of eighteen and then they leave the home alone. Because of this they have bad memories of home and they are not sure of what a normal life should be. They have not just been separated from their parents, but also siblings and other family and friends that they are not in contact with. Children not in a …show more content…

The kids have many great aspirations in life like becoming firemen, doctors, and other great professions they would like to pursue. The ones that do make it to age eighteen and leave foster care have high hopes for life, but they do not have enough money to attend college or get a proper education. Almost half of the children do not even receive a high school degree which is necessary for many types of jobs. The children’s only form of communication is with the people that help run the foster home so this means they have not had any business experience to help apply for jobs. If these children had resources then they could potentially become president, make a breakthrough in medicine, or make an impact on the world in a great

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