Persuasive Essay On Gay Rights

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On June 26, 2015, gay, or same-sex marriage was made legal in all fifty states ( Prior to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision same sex marriage was already legal in 13 states. Since legalization, there have been less riots and protests regarding the issue. Even though the main goal of gay rights was accomplished, same-sex couples are still not treated with the equality they deserve. I believe same sex marriage should be legal. Same-sex couples are frowned upon and are treated as if they are less than a normal couple. Homosexual couples were being denied service, kicked out of businesses, and shunned in communities all because of their sexual preferences. This is not right and it is unfair. The U.S. Supreme court ruled that homosexuals should have the same rights as heterosexuals. Homosexuals are still people and they should be treated as such. Marriage is a sacred union that unites man and woman together for life, and any union having to do with sexual relation but which is contrary to the sacred institution is immoral; and would be changing a generally acceptable tradition(Anthony Fisher). People who are against …show more content…

With today’s technology, there are many ways for a homosexual couple to have a baby. Adoption is usually the first choice, but just like everything else, homosexuals are treated unfairly when it comes to selecting adoptive parents. Many people feel that a child that has two parents of the same sex has a higher chance of being at a disadvantage. HLM analyses revealed consistent results with ANOVA findings; no significant differences were found as a function of parental sexual orientation in variables of a child’s life such as behavior problems and family functioning (Rachel H Farr). With no significant behavior problems and no traumatic family functioning, a child raised in a homosexual household is no different from a child raised in a heterosexual

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