Persuasive Essay On Gluten Free

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Live gluten free, live healthy Foods are the key ingredient and the best happiness bringer to any situation. In the lifestyle that we go through we are more likely to get unwanted diseases that slowly kill us. We will have to make sure that we eat food in a fixed diet so as to make sure that we are not going through a wrong diet. Having a fixed diet will make sure that we are under constant supervision. What is gluten and why do people avoid it You might have heard about gluten-free food very recently. Have you ever wondered what is it all about? Gluten primarily is the extra protein that is found in the wheat and related cereals that makes the dough elastic. We will have to make sure that the food that we are eating is gluten free, especially when we are affected with the Celiac disease. Celiac is an auto immune disorder that disturbs the small intestine and makes it smaller and also effect the digestive system of the body. There are other auto immune diseases as well where the doctors prescribe to avoid gluten. Since, it is high in protein, there are high chances that the immunity in the body will be enhanced and eventually lead to a disturbed lifestyle. Therefore, we will have to make sure that we take gluten free food when we are suffering from any auto immunity disorder. …show more content…

Therefore, people who wish to avoid gluten will have to make sure that they avoid these cereals. It is suggested that they also avoid any packet food that suggest that they are gluten free. To be true, gluten cannot be extracted out of the cereals and we will have to make sure that before we buy the gluten free bread we make sure that it is not made of wheat or any other cereals. There are many restaurants that sell Gluten Free Food Ontario, it is better to trust them instead of taking food anywhere and

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