Persuasive Essay On Gmo Foods

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The Earth has a total of 7.442 Billion humans inhabiting it and about 1 Billion of those humans are in fact starving and don’t have access to food due to various agricultural hardships. Most nations that are known for being impoverished with malnutrition issues are nations that have a very harsh climate and ruthless storms that ravage the available farmlands. So what do GMOS have to do starving people you may ask? Why is it that the United States has an abundance of food compared to other of similar size and climate, yet these countries have a larger population of starving individuals. This paper will cover the differences that lead to agricultural success in certain nations, as well has how GMOS play a key role in defining the future for all human life, and why you should consider supporting GMO crops and how some even …show more content…

GMO crops have a bad reputation among consumers and are seen as unhealthy by certain individuals when it comes to the consumption of food.The reason most consumers like your everyday people fear GMOS is due to the fact that they simply don’t understand what they are and people always fear the unknown. This might come as a surprise but GMO crops are also known to taste better than non-GMO crops (according to FitnessReloaded™ where the article was posted and upload by Maria who is a specialist in body nutrition) and also offer the same nutritional value as their non-GMO counterpart,besides from tasting good GMO crops are also 100% safe to consume (According to a article published on and can also be found on titled “Food from Genetically Engineered Plants”). Most people are scared of GMO crops simply because of the accrim stands for “Genetically Modified Organisms”. When it comes to crops it is the science of altering the “DNA” of a seed to produce a better type of crop that is stronger than its heirloom parents. There are currently a total of 18 countries that use GMO

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