The Pros And Cons Of Introversion

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Picture this: you’re in one of your high school classes and are assigned to work in a group of five to complete a task given by your teacher. The class is something you’re heavily interested in and passionate about it and you know the ins and outs of the topic concerning the group work. You have great ideas on how you guys are to create and execute your plan and are looking forward to tell them about it. But then a member of your group speaks first. The person gives their own idea but unfortunately isn’t a type who knows how to listen to other people’s ideas to incorporate it in their own. You get buried under the person’s consistent outpour of thoughts and you get shy and then you think “Screw it let’s just go with that”. When it’s your group’s …show more content…

Not one is a weakness but one is sadly misunderstood. Introversion is wrongly known by others as “shy” people and not bothering to see the difference. Only some and not all people with medium to high introversion are considered shy. Shyness is considered as the feeling of apprehension, lack of comfort, and awkwardness especially when a person is in proximity to other people. Introverts are people who are silent and calculated. They are people who may not speak often but when they do, they make sure that what comes out of their mouths is of value and beneficial to the topic of conversation or to their task at hand. Introverts are seen as people hesitant to interact, but when their passion is in the right place then their strengths are magnified. Famous individuals like president of the United States Barack Obama, business tycoon Warren Buffett, and the CEO of Microsoft Bill Gates are all well known in history and are actually introverts. It is through these people how the abilities of introverts are realized. These people despite holding high positions of power in society are not backing down when it comes to dealing with the adversities of their respective fields. These people make calculated decisions that are best for their country or